Immigration webinar series for sponsor employers

Immigration webinar series for sponsor employers

A series of webinars released throughout 2024 by the Immigration team on topics to assist sponsor employers.

Sponsorship registration has increased over the past few years with almost 100,000 Skilled Worker sponsors on the public register in June 2024. The Home Office received over 13,000 sponsor licence applications in the first quarter of 2024.

The latest transparency data from the Home Office, shows that in the last quarter there were 309 sponsors with their licences suspended and a further 210 sponsors had their licences revoked.

Suspension and or revocation of a licence can cause considerable cost and disruption to the employer’s business, impacting their employees and family members.

Our short series of webinars will provide useful tips on how to stay compliant with sponsorship duties, an overview of popular sponsored visas in addition to some tips on UK visitors and the graduate visa route.

FSP offer an administration package to assist sponsors in managing their licenses, so please get in touch if you would like more information. If you have more complex questions around sponsorship or immigration generally, please do get in touch with the team at [email protected].

The webinar schedule is currently as follows. We may change the order depending on new legislation or publications from the Home Office.

Schedule of topics

  • Sponsorship introduction
  • Sponsorship duties
  • Level 1 user
  • Immigration compliance audits
  • Visitors to the UK
  • Skilled Worker visa
  • GBM – Senior Specialist worker visa
  • GBM – UK Service supplier
  • UK Graduate visa

To watch the latest webinar in the series and to view the full playlist please click below:

The data contained in this presentation is for general information only. The law and practice changes from time to time. This presentation is provided for information purposes only and does not constitute legal advice. Professional legal advice should be obtained before taking or refraining from taking any action as a result of the contents of this presentation.