New year – new start

New year – new start

Katie Burley identifies some important resolutions you’ll want to keep.

The start of January is a time where many of us look to the year ahead and wonder what we can do to make this one ‘better’. Better health, better cashflow, better adventures…the list goes on.

Among the FSP employment team, we believe there is no more positive way to boost your happiness and wellbeing for 2019, than to make some employment resolutions. We have, therefore, set out below some simple resolutions to some common areas where we see employers getting it wrong. So, forget dry-January and pick those chocolates back out of the bin…the following resolutions are the only ones we would heartily endorse:

Appraise your appraisals

Effective appraisals should be a key part of your routine staff management and getting this right is immensely helpful. Do you run annual appraisals? Do they have an effective structure and purpose? Is the feedback given honest and constructive? Do you set goals and then check they are being met? If the answers to any of these questions are no, this is one to add to your list.

Manage your managers

Individuals are often promoted to management positions without any training on how to manage a team. The transition from ‘comrade’ to ‘command’ can be tricky and having some tools in place to make a manager effective can make all the difference to the success of your business. Training courses can be valuable, as can general guidance and mentoring.

Prioritise your performance issues

Dealing with underperformance is often at the bottom of people’s ‘to do’ list, but the longer underperforming employees are allowed to fester, the harder it becomes to do anything and if your employees aren’t performing to the best of their abilities, then your business might not be either. Whatever the reason for previously avoiding dealing with these issues, make this the year to put your capability policy to good use.

Dissect your documents

Employment law changes quickly and we recommend reviewing your key employment documents every year. Not only are there legislative changes to consider, but your documents should move with the times and reflect current best practice as well as your own latest business needs. We provide free contract and handbook reviews for our clients – do get in touch if you would like our help.