Employee Competition: Is your business protected from rogue employees – webinar

Employee Competition: Is your business protected from rogue employees – webinar

The focus of this webinar is on how businesses can protect themselves from any employees and or Directors who are going to go rouge and leave the business or those who have already left the business and engage in misconduct. Presented by Bill Dixon in our Dispute Resolution & Litigation team, the webinar will cover three main areas:

  • What protections can you put in place?
  • How can you detect competitive activity?
  • What can you do when the worst happens (remedies and factors to consider)?

**Please note this is a recording of a live webinar**

The data contained in this presentation is for general information only and was recorded on 9th June 2022. The law and practice changes from time to time. This presentation is provided for information purposes only and does not constitute legal advice. Professional legal advice should be obtained before taking or refraining from taking any action as a result of the contents of this presentation.